Plus Post

EnduraPost Plus Posts are solid and strong, low maintenance and rust free. Designed to enhance the overall look and strength of your fence.

The Bigger Cousin

Fully insulated recycled Plastic In-line Post 110mm x 110mm

EnduraPost PLUS Posts have been specifically designed with rounded edges, strong yet with flexibility, having no sharp edges they are crafted with safety in mind. Made by an award-winning Australian company Plastic Forests, from 100% recycled plastic, they are built to last. UV treated and protected with a 10-year warranty, our posts will outlast timber and steel posts many times over and provide superior outdoor performance in all climates and soil conditions.

The PLUS Posts are a strong, chemical free product, recycled from landfill destined waste Ag plastics such as Bulker bags and silage wrap, making them great for the environment and the circular economy.

The Plus Post is used in many different applications to provide added above-ground stability to the already strong and durable Square Picket.  Loved by the Equine industry because they are safe on horses and look great too, perfect for electric fencing as they are completely insulated.

Due to their amazing qualities against corrosion and rust, they are also used in Aquaculture such as oyster and muscle farming.

Great for laneways and high stock pressure zones
Suitable for any kind of wire
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Benefits of the Plus Post


Technical Specifications

EnduraPost Plus Post Specifications:

NOTE: Product is not suitable for use as a strainer or end post.

The Aussie Square Picket that’s making a difference.

EnduraPost Square Pickets are born in the bush, made by Plastic Forests in Albury NSW. Did you know that for every kg of plastic produced in the world approximately 6kg of CO2 is emitted into the atmosphere? Sadly, most manufactured plastic is single use, ending up as a huge problem and a huge cost only to be dumped. EnduraPost Square Pickets are helping reclaim and reuse discarded Aussie plastic waste one picket at a time. Each picket contains approximately 2.4kg of reclaimed plastic waste, which is equivalent to 1 x Bulk fertilizer bag or 12 x animal feed bags that would otherwise sadly end up in landfill. Plastic Forests are the first in the world to create a super-efficient way to dry clean the waste before reshaping them into the fit-for-purpose EnduraPost Square Picket. Positive thinking can really produce positive outcomes for us all.

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